
Introducing the Sport Technology Innovation Fund
The funds aims to support start-ups or other organisations specialising in technology innovation for sport, fitness or physical activity.
There is no equity stake requirement in return; this fund aims to help support great ideas to get them to a stage where you can seek further venture capital funding to pay for expansion. We are not looking to fund actual physical activity directly through this investment, we want to fund the mechanisms by which people are able to get active through online platforms, applications and hardware.
Satellite Clubs
Satellite Clubs are extensions of community sports clubs, which are established in a secondary school or college in order to target the 11-25 year olds. Satellite Clubs may have a range of different objectives, determined by the local need and insight. These could include:
- Developing the existing community club with the high levels of demand for a particular sport
- Broadening the club offer to attract more young people to the club
- Focusing on opportunities for specific groups, such as disability sport or gender or age specific sessions

Small Grants funding
Small Grants uses Lottery funding to make awards to not-for-profit organisations. Sport India’s mission is to get more people playing more sport more often, and all applicants should show how they will help deliver the following:
- More people playing sport once a week
- An increase in the number of 14-25 year olds playing sport once a week
- A reduction in drop off at ages 16, 18, 21 and 24
- Growth in the number of disabled people playing sport